There was convoluted, but there was also unnecessary. Many, many things were unnecessary in this submission, such as the last bit where the big monkey said "he" multiple times and nothing else, not really giving a reason behind the big monkey's actions.
The fact that the little guy said "oh" multiple times afterwards made that sting a little worse.
Then there was Mario saying "shut the fuck up Luigi" and that only being justified by him wanting to spend time exclusively with Donkey Kong. That was just... sad. And unoriginal, especially for the parody genre.
The only funny part about this was that Mario learned about how hard it was to do Donkey Kong's job and how much of a lardass DK was at climbing, but even then DK exhibited climbing skills in the original game. So again, if someone just turned on their brain for ten seconds they would have seen through this.
This is lame. Nothing original and the humour would have been more punctual if it built upon facts that were pointed out. However, even humour in itself is not something that I would like to see anyways. The best humour is humour that is delivered in an environment of trust, and not breaking the characters or making them stereotypes.